
My Story

Rimini Draper is a graduate of The University of Hull with a degree in Bsc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation based in Brandesburton, East Yorkshire. Rimini founded the clinic in 2019 having gained valuable experience from working alongside numerous physiotherapists in a clinical setting and various sporting team environments, she has assessed and treat majority of sporting and non-sporting injuries, providing her with in-depth knowledge on how to treat different injuries.

A thorough initial assessment will be completed prior to treatment beginning to allow appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programmes to be planned for the client allowing the best chance for a full recovery and quality of life.

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Fully Qualified

Rimini is affiliated with the British Association of Sports Rehabilitators and Trainers (BASRaT) and further qualifications in Pre Hospital Immediate Care in Sport (PHICIS) and Kinesiology Taping.

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